Is decentralization the future of cybersecurity? 

As the world grapples with economic challenges, rising geopolitical tensions and the aftermath of a global pandemic, a $10 trillion cybersecurity crisis threatens to exacerbate issues further.

Now, experts from the World Economic Forum and Interpol have sounded the alarm, emphasizing the urgent need for a coordinated global response to this gathering cyber storm.

The staggering cost of cyber threats

The statistics paint a grim picture. According to a 2021 CyberEdge report, 85% of organizations were affected by successful cyberattacks, with ransomware incidents increasing by 80% year-on-year. These attacks occur at an alarming rate of 37,700 per hour globally, equating to nearly 10 attacks per second.

If things stay as they are, we could be facing an estimated $10 trillion of potential cyber damage by 2025 – a figure that equates to 8% of the global GDP. This colossal sum, if left unchecked, will line the pockets of criminal syndicates and state-sponsored actors, diverting resources away from critical areas such as infrastructure, job creation, poverty alleviation and environmental protection.

Connected device vulnerability

While the internet of things (IoT) has driven progress, it’s also introduced new vulnerabilities. We expect to see around 30 billion connected IoT devices by 2025, with every item – from car keys to baby monitors – becoming a potential entry point for malicious attackers to exploit.

Traditional enterprise and institutional security measures used to be confined within organizational walls, but have now been rendered insufficient by the move to cloud computing, remote work and interconnected devices. Borders are blurring, and our increasing interconnectivity has rendered traditional defenses inadequate.

The centralized status quo: a losing battle

Current cybersecurity solutions are centralized, which sees a single authority or entity handling all decisions, controls and monitoring. This approach makes each individual device a single point of risk to the network, creating vulnerabilities and lowering transparency, with cybersecurity software operating within centrally governed black boxes.

Despite a global cybersecurity spend of $1.75 trillion in 2022, companies are losing the battle against cybercriminals – who are often better funded, organized and incentivized by malevolent organizations. The average cost of a data breach has soared to $4.25 million, with 921 username and password attacks occurring per second – a 74% increase from the previous year.

Traditional Web2-based cybersecurity measures configure devices to operate independently, without unified governance or the ability to monitor individual behavior and trust status in real-time. This single-point-of-failure model can no longer be trusted in the face of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

Embracing decentralized cybersecurity

As businesses and governments grapple with the limitations of centralized cybersecurity solutions, a shift towards decentralization is gaining momentum. Companies like DigiCorp Labs are leading the charge by transforming centrally managed computer networks into decentralized meshes of trusted devices and services.

Decentralized cybersecurity solutions eliminate single points of failure by distributing trust and security across a network of interconnected nodes. This approach not only enhances resilience against network failures, but also reduces bureaucratic delays and enables data settings to be tailored to specific organizational needs.

By embracing decentralization, organizations can strike a balance between centralized control and localized flexibility, ensuring consistency in security protocols while accommodating unique local conditions and threats. This hybrid approach provides visibility, agility and control, empowering organizations to proactively navigate the complexities of the digital landscape.

The imperative for innovation and collaboration

As technological innovation outpaces business and governmental capacity, the need to switch to decentralized networks and cybersecurity solutions becomes increasingly urgent. Web3 and the decentralized future cannot scale safely without addressing the vulnerabilities inherent in centralized architectures.

Business and government leaders must prioritize digital education and foster collaboration between innovators, cybersecurity experts and policymakers. Only through a coordinated effort can we secure our future from the looming $10 trillion cybercrime crisis, and pave the way for a safer, more resilient digital ecosystem.

At DigiCorp Labs, we are committed to pioneering decentralized solutions that empower organizations to mitigate risks, achieve compliance and meet their objectives in the face of evolving cyber threats. By leveraging our expertise in blockchain-based identity and access management, ultra-secure conferencing and decentralized data security, we’re enabling a future where cybersecurity is no longer a centralized vulnerability but a distributed strength.

Webinar/AMA Recap May 31, 2024

Last month’s ask me anything (AMA) session presented a brilliant opportunity for us to share important updates from the DigiCorp Labs ecosystem. We covered everything from products and partnerships to challenges and community engagement, with some excellent questions fielded and answered too.

Couldn’t make it or keen to refresh your memory on what went down? You’re in the right place. Let’s take a look at the most important points discussed, the outlook they leave us with, and what it all means for you.

Product updates

First up, we dived straight into products – one of the most exciting areas in our business right now. Our three core product categories are:

  1. DGMV-ID/IAM: Our world-class security authentication solution, now integrated with OpenID for enterprise use.
  2. DGMV-Secure Meets: Our secure, modern video conference and collaboration solution.
  3. DGMV-Edge Box: The private mobile cloud designed to create business continuity by instantly restoring business-critical functions during or after a cyber incident. 

We see a bold new opportunity in integrating these three solutions to create a secure, location-agnostic platform for communication and application hosting – as well as offering them as standalone services that function independently.

“This creates a really neat solution that brings everything together – authentication and security around who is participating in and using services, plus a secure conference facility on a piece of infrastructure that can exist anywhere, integrate with existing networks and extend with 5G options.”

DGMV-Secure Meets is now primed and ready to go to market in the coming days. We even used this robust solution as a secure, participatory platform for our AMA itself –showcasing its suitability for interactive sessions. Joining our next session will also be a great opportunity to meet other participants and active community members. Don't miss out!

We are also working hard on our smart layer, which we hope to bring to market in the next few months. With the ability to create non-fungible data objects and fingerprints from enterprise data and store them in an immutable ledger, the smart layer has huge potential – especially for artificial intelligence and machine learning use cases.

Our DGMV token is set to be used as gas for the smart layer, with a subscription model in place for enterprises. This approach will allow us to create an all-important bridge between Web3 technology and traditional enterprise IT.

“We'll build an economy that actually benefits from enterprises implementing services that meet the high standards they’re used to, but are better in terms of security, intuitiveness and ease of use.”

Partnerships and challenges

In line with our vision of creating a joined up, cooperative ecosystem, we’ve been doubling down on relationship building across borders, and are pleased to announce a brand new partnership with Data Secure India. This collaboration will see us sell DGMV products in the high-potential Indian market, leveraging Data Secure’s privacy expertise to embolden our offer and reach more customers than ever.

“India is a very large, upcoming market, and Secure Data is a specialist on data security, giving consultancy advice to big Indian firms and counting local governments among its customers. It is a leader in data-related solutions, and we’re looking forward to making this a solid resale partnership.”

The LCX situation rumbles on, and we are still facing challenges as we undertake legal action here. While these ongoing difficulties have slowed our scaling efforts and hampered our ability to expand the DGMV ecosystem and token on new exchanges, challenges are a natural part of our route to innovation. We’re proud of the incredible progress our team has made despite these obstacles, and pleased to say that in terms of technology, products and partnerships, we're exactly where we wanted to be at this point in the year.

“The next phase for Web3 is to make really meaningful solutions that will benefit enterprises and consumers directly rather than giving the hype. That's something we’ve always said will happen, and with the right strategy in place, DGMV could be a project that delivers real productive value.”

Community engagement and outlook

The next six months are looking bright for our business. Investors can expect positive developments as products and services – including the smart layer – gain traction among core audience segments.

Our key initiatives for the year ahead range from securing more resale partners and productizing our smart layer to announcing new innovation-enabling partnerships. Watch this space.

We’re planning the next AMA session for the end of July to give you a progress update before the summer break.

The final word..

Overall, we are making steady product progress, as we intensify our focus on bringing enterprise-ready, decentralized solutions to market. Our smart layer is a major upcoming initiative with significant potential, and partnerships – such as the one with Data Secure – should continue to bolster our go-to-market efforts,

There will always be challenges, and despite these hindering our token and exchange listing, we are confident about the future and excited to see what we can achieve in the coming months. 

Now, all that’s left to say is a huge thank you for your continued support – your input is invaluable to us and we’re proud to have such an engagement community behind us on the journey. Have a brilliant two months, and we’ll see you again soon.

Tomorrow’s security, today: Making Zero Trust work for your business 

In today’s digital landscape, threat levels are at an all-time high, as sophisticated cyber attacks render traditional security measures ineffective.

This high-risk world calls for a new approach to security – a model that treats every element with the same level of suspicion. Enter Zero Trust, the cybersecurity measure here to revolutionize our digital lives.

What is Zero Trust?

Zero Trust is a cybersecurity approach that doesn’t trust anything or anyone automatically – be that outside or inside the network in question. While traditional security models assume everything within a given network is secure, Zero Trust takes the opposite approach.

Zero trust security is a security model that flips the traditional approach on its head. Traditionally, networks relied on a castle-and-moat approach, where security focused on fortifying the perimeter (the moat) to keep everyone outside safe. Once inside the network (the castle), users were generally trusted.

Think of it like constantly checking someone's ID at every door within a building, even if they've already been verified to enter. Zero trust ensures that only authorized users have access to specific resources, and their access is constantly monitored to prevent unauthorized activity.

How does Zero Trust work?

Here's how zero trust works:

Never trust, always verify: No user or device is automatically trusted, regardless of location (inside or outside the network) or previous verification. Everyone and everything requesting access needs to be constantly authenticated and authorized.

Least privilege access: Users are only granted the minimum level of access needed to perform their tasks. This minimizes the potential damage if a hacker gains access to an account.

Continuous monitoring: User activity and device health are continuously monitored for suspicious behavior.

Zero Trust implements multifaceted security measures such as user identification, device authentication and network traffic monitoring. It uses various technologies – including multi-factor authentication, encryption and behavioral analysis – to manage how users and entities access corporate resources.

A Zero Trust system evaluates every access request based on contextual factors like identity, device status, location and behavior. The process might also include network segmentation and advanced detection and response mechanism implementation.

The advantages of Zero Trust

The biggest benefit of Zero Trust is increased security. With every user and device thoroughly authenticated before accessing company assets, risks of unauthorized access and therefore of external and internal threats are minimized

A Zero Trust approach also keeps your sensitive data protected, with strict access controls and encryption to ensure confidentiality even in the event of a breach. You’ll get ultimate flexibility and scalability in access management too, with the ability to quickly and easily grant or revoke rights based on individual needs or organizational changes.

Finally, Zero Trust is great for helping companies meet regulatory and compliance requirements. By applying strict access controls, monitoring and encryption, organizations can demonstrate the steps they’ve taken to ensure data protection and privacy.

Zero Trust and DGMV-ID

Our revolutional identity and access management suite, DGMV-ID, embraces the core principles of Zero Trust by providing advanced security capabilities backed by multi-factor authentication, and allowing complete identity control through cutting-edge authorization technologies.

Its IAM server integrates seamlessly with existing security infrastructures such as Active Directory and Okta. It also offers conditional access capabilities, enabling organizations to restrict and control access by setting rules and conditions based on factors like user location, device, and security status.

Zero Trust for your business

Complementing our Zero Trust approach is our commitment to decentralization, leveraging the power of blockchain technology to eliminate single points of failure and enhance trust in digital ecosystems.

Our solutions are designed to provide secure, decentralized alternatives to traditional centralized systems. The integration of Zero Trust principles with decentralized blockchain technology offers a robust foundation for secure authentication, access control, data integrity, and comprehensive monitoring. This powerful combination aligns perfectly with the security needs of emerging decentralized ecosystems and the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Zero Trust takes a modern, fit-for-purpose approach to cybersecurity by validating each access attempt based on multiple factors. It’s a valuable concept for businesses looking to increase security and protect data from advanced threats.

What are you waiting for?

The best part is, you can leave the technical complexity of Zero Trust implementation, identity and access management, plus all the advanced features to us – so you can focus on what matters for your business.

Our enterprise outlet, DigiThree Labs, offers a wide range of capabilities to help organizations boost productivity, strengthen security and double down on Zero Trust.

Drop us a line at [email protected] today to find out how Zero Trust could accelerate your digital future.

Community Update: April Highlights and Developments!

Greetings Metanaut(s)!

We hope you had a fantastic April! As we move into May, we wanted to take a moment to update you on what’s been happening. In addition to our participation in two vibrant, industry-critical events, we've also been making significant strides in team expansion and product development. We’re excited to share some of April’s most exciting updates with you, so read on to discover your monthly dose of behind the scenes action from the DCL team!

Our team grows
First up, we were thrilled to welcome Francisco as the fourth member of our in-house development team in April. He joins as a dedicated CI/CD specialist, and will help us automate our development process, ensuring smoother workflows and faster releases.
With Francisco's addition, our core team now comprises 6 individuals, in addition to our active consultants and advisors.

Big product news
We’ve also made significant progress with our identity access management solution, particularly with DGMV-IAM, our identity server. We've implemented recent feedback to enhance features and ensure the product is better suited for its intended purpose.

DGMV-IAM is built completely in-house, which makes it based on our own intellectual property. It forms a central pillar for all future DigiThree services – integrating seamlessly with existing security infrastructures like Active Directory and Okta.

Last week, it paired with DGMV-Secure Meets, offering 100% private access through our secure IAM service and cryptographic ID within the mobile app. These advancements are set to substantially bolster our sales endeavours. With the committed backing from our sales team, DGMV-Secure Meets, along with DGMV-Edge Box, is currently a top priority in our sales discussions.

Next-level tech, loading…
Promising times await as our newly expanded development team prepares to elevate our smart layer technology to the next level. This technology, previously demonstrated to large enterprises, is poised to transition from proof of concept to productization, thereby creating a blockchain-based non-fungible data proofing solution. This solution will empower users to demonstrate ownership, track changes, monitor locations, and validate various critical data points.

One big thank you
Finally, we want to say a huge thank you to our development team, who have shown the incredible dedication required to push more than 40 commits to the main branch, with over 100 across all branches. That means we’ve improved 37 key files, with hundreds of additions and deletions all in service of enhancing our products.

The future looks bright, and we’re looking forward to share more progress with you as it happens! Stay tuned for more updates heading your way soon, as well as details of our next AMA session in May.

Until next time – over and out!

Recap of the Spanish Fintech & Cyber Mission and Token 2049 - April 25, 2024

Greetings Metanauts!

It’s been a busy few weeks for us here at DigiCorp Labs and DigiThree Labs, with a packed events calendar and lots of opportunities to explore. We’re getting in touch to bring you an exciting update about the latest two events we attended – read on to find out what we’ve been up to!

Spanish Fintech & Cyber Mission to the Netherlands 

We were thrilled to be invited to join the Spanish Fintech & Cyber Mission to the Netherlands last week, where our CEO, Jozua Van Der Deijl, was proud to represent DigiCorp Labs and DigiThree Labs.

The event saw top-tier experts in the fintech and cybersecurity spaces come together to form new partnerships and explore groundbreaking innovations.

His Majesty the King of Spain and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands chaired the summit’s first session, with Chris van Voorden, Director of Foreign Investments & Trade at InnovationQuarter as the Master of Ceremonies. 

We heard welcoming addresses from Micky Adriaansens, Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy of the Netherlands, and Xiana Mendez, Secretary of State for Trade and President of ICEX Spain Trade and Investment.

This exciting event was a catalyst for addressing cybersecurity challenges, driving future advancements and encouraging political collaboration between Spain and the Netherlands – especially in areas like open strategic autonomy and organized crime.


Dubai’s TOKEN2049 event was held on April 18-19, marking a significant gathering of global crypto and Web3 influencers. 

The conference drew over 7,500 attendees, and featured prominent figures (such as Pavel Durov of Telegram and Arthur Hayes of BitMEX) plus over 200 speakers, who covered everything from the intersection of AI and Web3 to hyperscaling solutions, decentralized infrastructure and more. 

AI dominated discussions, with concepts like decentralized computing, data decentralization, and AI research grounded in decentralized science garnering significant attention. Other core topics included the symbiotic relationship between AI and blockchain, as well as the cultural significance of memecoins.

Overall, TOKEN2049 was a testament to the resilience and enthusiasm of the Web3 community. The event continued to build on its reputation by facilitating interactions among startups, investors, and technology enthusiasts – and despite Dubai’s unexpected weather conditions, it succeeded in pushing the boundaries of blockchain and Web3 discussions and developments

A huge thank you to the organizers of both events for orchestrating such impactful, innovative and insightful gatherings. We can’t wait to attend more in the future!

Over and out, 

DigiCorp Labs and DigiThree Labs

Cybersecurity Demands a Systems Approach 

In 2024, the digital landscape is more intricate than ever, making cybersecurity a paramount concern. The sheer complexity of these systems hinders our ability to directly link overall system behavior to the intricate workings of individual components. In simpler terms, it's difficult to understand what's happening "big picture" based solely on lower-level activity.

This backdrop presents a huge challenge when it comes to securing complex digital systems – but with the right methods and practices, we can do it. Let’s explore how system thinking can help us implement security in today’s fast-evolving landscape.

Understanding Unforeseen Consequences: Emergent Behaviors

Emergent behaviors are indirect side effects of combined capabilities, which can be both beneficial and harmful, but are always hard to foresee and harder to measure.

The likelihood of emergent behaviors increases when a system has:

In these cases, emergent behaviors can create unforeseen challenges that complicate cybersecurity efforts.

Complexity vs. Predictability: Aiming for Clarity

Even in the realm of cybersecurity, minimizing complexity and unpredictability is crucial. While a system with multiple components can be intricate, it doesn't necessarily equate to complexity.

True complexity arises from excessive diversity, non-linearity, and path dependencies. Without these factors, each subsystem behaves predictably, with each cause leading to a foreseeable effect, even at a higher level.

Robust Authentication: The Cornerstone of Security

For robust cybersecurity in the 21st century, we must secure not only the networks themselves but also the endpoints and access points to shared clouds. Validating users' identities, applications, and information systems is critical, as is ensuring all subsystems are fully known and predictable.

The starting point for this endeavor? It lies in precisely identifying the system's users and other functional entities through secure authentication – the primary step in granting access to users and third parties in an information system. Ideally, the authentication process should occur before granting access to anyone.

The ideal authentication method goes beyond traditional password-based systems. It embraces cutting-edge technologies such as passwordless authentication, decentralization, biometric encryption, and mobile device integration. These advanced features not only enhance security but also improve user experience and accessibility.

This comprehensive approach to authentication is precisely what Digicorp Labs offers through its decentralized identity and access management solutions, DGMV-ID, and DGMV-IAM, both based on blockchain wallet technology.

Moreover, the immutable recording of authentication events on a blockchain adds another layer of security and compliance. This feature ensures traceability and timestamps, preventing tampering or alteration of authentication records. The integration of the DGMV-Smart Layer seamlessly facilitates this process, further enhancing the security and reliability of authentication procedures.

In essence, Digicorp Labs' solutions prioritize not only security but also user convenience and regulatory compliance.

Securing Endpoints: The Weakest Link

Endpoints, acting as exposed points of entry, are the most vulnerable areas of any information system. Malicious actors can exploit these vulnerabilities to infiltrate a system undetected. In decentralized networks, edge devices become fundamental security measures.

Information diodes, which transmit data one-way using LEDs, illustrate this concept. Simple design principles, even if they introduce slight complication, can significantly reduce overall complexity, leading to tangible security benefits.

At the core of any systems approach lies the understanding of cause-and-effect relationships. In simpler terms, each action should result in a predictable outcome, provided the system can be divided into manageable sub-systems.

Beyond the Cloud: Decentralization as a Defense

The cloud, a treasure trove of data, is a prime target for hackers who aim to steal, damage, or hold data hostage. To address this vulnerability, the trend is shifting away from centralized cloud storage and towards Web3 – a world of physically distributed grids, nodes, and endpoints. This decentralized approach emphasizes secure peer-to-peer communication based on individual authentication and zero-knowledge proofs (where users can prove they possess information without revealing the information itself).

Apple's initiative to store sensitive data in encrypted formats on users' iPhones and iWatches, instead of iCloud, exemplifies this trend. This approach significantly hinders data theft.

Decentralized endpoints are becoming increasingly common across various applications, from smart meters in homes to smart cities and ownable IP addresses. It’s all about adding an extra layer of cyberattack protection, and giving ultimate, decentralized control back to each individual user.

Privacy, Payments, and Paradigm Shifts: Embracing Decentralized Blockchain Solutions

Recent strides in EU data regulations have sparked a conversation around user privacy and data ownership. Meta has responded to these more stringent privacy laws by introducing paid, ad-free subscriptions for Facebook and Instagram – but the question remains: is paying for privacy a viable long-term solution for digital freedom?

The payments of the future

If one thing is clear, it’s that the current situation calls for a new way to interact, transact and share information in the online space. Micropayments present the possibility of greater freedom and equality, bringing with them the opportunity to remunerate users for their data – even in very small amounts.

First conceptualized in the 1960s by futurist Ted Holm Nelson, micropayments are acknowledged by the European Central Bank as transfers beginning at one cent or less. The idea of micropayments becomes more interesting when considered in terms of tokens –  which have the power to offer enhanced security, improved user experiences, cost savings for sellers, and open doors to new ways of working, but pose a threat to more traditional fiat models.

Blockchain is the driving force behind innovations like tokenization, with the ability to maximize transparency and promote peer-to-peer transactions by eliminating reliance on traditional financial institutions.

Embracing privacy beyond paywalls

In today's digital landscape, platforms like Meta are bringing in paid, ad-free subscriptions – offering users an alternative to ad-driven experiences by allowing them to pay a small monthly fee for enhanced privacy.

But should users really have to pay to maintain control over their own data? Paid models like these presume that users must opt in to privacy, rather than having inherent ownership over their data.

Surely a fairer solution is to reverse this model and mandate that companies compensate users for their data. In our vision for a more transparent, digital future, users remain in control of their personal information, with the ability to grant and revoke access as and when they see fit.

Navigating the challenge of consent

Consent is another multifaceted issue as we explore the possibility of a fairer, more transparent digital environment. Today, users often face complex terms of service agreements that prioritize corporate interests above their rights.

The recent controversy around Zoom's terms of service highlights the difficulties around navigating consent, demonstrating how – when presented with limited alternatives – users can be coerced into consenting to data practices they don’t fully understand or agree with.

Online, we are all too often told in no uncertain terms that a platform will use our data. If we don’t like it, the expectation is that we do something else – whether that’s finding another platform or abandoning what we set out to do altogether. When large companies control the services we need by taking ownership of our data, fairness gets left behind and users lose any semblance of power or privacy in the process.

The path to ownership and empowerment

At this critical juncture in our digital evolution, blockchain is emerging as a force of clarity amid the complexity of data ownership.

Blockchain-facilitated micropayments present a potential solution to the pay-for-privacy dilemma. Instead of charging users to protect their information and privacy, companies could use micropayments to compensate them for using their personal data. Thanks to blockchain technology, users would gain greater control over their data, all while retaining the ability to grant and revoke access transparently.

Microtransaction transformation

When conducted in digital currencies or tokens, microtransactions provide a fast and secure way to transfer value globally. These small financial transactions (usually of less than one dollar) are typically completed in the online space – and when integrated with blockchain technology, enable streamlined transactions with minimal fees and processing overheads.

Most importantly, micropayments make it easy for users to be compensated for the personal data they choose to share. In this fairer system anyone looking to access a user’s data would be able to request it and suggest a fee in exchange for the permission. The blockchain would record all access requests and fees, guaranteeing transparency and accountability throughout the process.

Redefining user autonomy through decentralization

We’re starting to imagine a future where users stay in control of their data, and where companies provide interfaces for data access. By acting as a decentralized ledger, blockchain technology has the potential to make this happen, enabling individuals to securely manage and share their data while maintaining ownership. This zero trust approach would not only empower users, but also encourage competition and innovation in the wider digital ecosystem.

The future of blockchain and data ownership

Blockchain has the power to transform the realm of data ownership, activating a future in which individuals reclaim control over their digital identities. The challenges that come with it – such as scalability and energy efficiency – can be seen as opportunities for innovation, ready to move us towards a future where data ownership is a reality.

In this new era, blockchain could rewrite the rules of data management – moving us from storage to stewardship, and eliminating concerns around the big companies (think Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Servers, and more) hosting it. In a blockchain world, data would be distributed across multiple data servers via the blockchain, making no single company responsible for hosting all of one person’s data. Big organizations would merely be involved in a decentralized validation process.

In this kind of decentralized system, every participant would be able to see exactly how their data is being used with complete transparency. And a blockchain-driven economy would give data ownership back to the people, allowing each individual to become an entrepreneur of their own data, navigating the digital marketplace with the confidence that comes with ownership and control.

When users’ data stays with them and companies offer remuneration for access to it, users become empowered to make decisions and interact in ways that align with their own values, ambitions and goals. A new, freer digital space emerges – one in which users are no longer bound to act in certain ways simply to gain access to a platform they need. In this world, applications can work together, as boundaries shift and user status is redefined as an equal force in a space where everyone sets their own preferences, and communication happens without constraints.

The edge cloud and private 5G revolution: insights from our DGMV-Edge Box webinar 

Last week, core members of the DigiCorp Labs team came together in a webinar to discuss one of our revolutionary products: the DGMV-Edge Box.

Read on to discover key insights about this unique solution, from how it works and what it can do, to how it’s set to work with our other products to create a new, decentralized paradigm for data ownership.

What is the DGMV-Edge Box?

The DGMV-Edge Box is one of the smallest data centers on the market right now. It comes with built-in CPUs, storage, remote and security management, air conditioning, and UPS – plus all the external connectivity needed to get you up and running fast.

It is a totally unique and shippable Data-Center-in-a-Box that brings new capabilities to the Edge Computing and Industrial IoT spaces. The storage-optimized Edge Data Center modular building block can be configured in various ways from a simple battery-operated server with up to 144TB of storage to a fully-fledged hyper-converged, remote-controlled, networkable computing powerhouse. Additionally, if you need even more capacity, you can hot-wire more boxes to create an automatic cluster that acts as one complete system.

The Edge box is shockproof, weatherized, compact, and lightweight, weighing under 23 kilos.

The DGMV-Edge Box can also be configured with 5G and 4G capabilities, creating the only portable ruggedized edge Data-Center-in-a-Box that provides a 5G bubble while running edge AI software simultaneously. Integrated within our Intel-powered Edge Datacenter system, the Private 5G Network In-a-Box combines multicore CPU, GPU, ultra-fast NVMe storage, and remote management. This all-in-one solution delivers high-speed, low-latency communications alongside robust, on-site data processing and storage, enhancing live events and critical operations with secure, efficient, on-premise Edge Cloud connectivity.

Why is the DGMV-Edge Box essential?

In today's digital landscape, a substantial volume of data originates "at the edge". Let's keep it there!

Everyone knows there’s a lot of data out there – especially with developments in AI and the IoT – but how do we make sure it all has a place to go? With every device creating data more rapidly than ever, network congestion, latency issues and high costs are all too common in transporting information to and from data centers.

It’s up to startups to find an interim solution – a means of crunching data on the edge that’s more efficient and flexible than ever before.

How does the DGMV-Edge Box work?

The DGMV-Edge Box is designed to operate on various power sources, ranging from solar panels, car batteries, and UPS batteries to standard AC or generator power. It's capable of connecting up to 36 cells, which serve as antennas, to the box via Ethernet or electricity cables, providing everything you need for ultimate connectivity. Initially, these cells are small, but they can be replaced with larger or different types as needed.

The edge box can connect to nearby cell towers to offload network traffic and data. Additionally, it features Starlink satellite, LAN, and WiFi connectivity, enabling swift connection to any available public/private network.

Because the DGMV Edge Box is a 5G solution with data center capabilities, it works like a remote / branch office with all hard and software needed for remote autonomous operations creating a 4 and 5G private network using the upper band (N77–N48) – which is free as long as you have permission – and is very easy to install, giving you complete control over frequency and configuration.

What are the real-world applications of the DGMV-Edge Box?

The DGMV Edge Box unlocks new possibilities for broadcasting, with the public network capacity to manage all elements from a single point. It also has uses for the military and police forces, where it can help with everything from facial recognition to search operations.

For first responders, the Edge Box can quickly build a network for communication when cell towers are down during an emergency. This means the box also has potential for innovation in the oil and gas industry, as well as in creating powerful hotspots in ‘middle of nowhere’ areas.

Another core innovation area for the Edge Box lies in business continuity, given its ability to act as a fully functional backup network and datacenter – live in just 30 minutes. This is particularly innovative in the case of hacks and hijacks, giving businesses the ability to resume normal operations and reduce costly downtime.

What makes the DGMV-Edge Box special?

As a company, our mission is to put enterprises in complete control of their data at all times. The problem with current, cloud-based solutions is that they place the ‘key’ to data in an outside provider’s hands, meaning hacks and hijacks have the power to ground all operations and production.

As big corporations begin to bring data back into their premises, the Edge Box offers a perfect way to retain control and privacy in a decentralized way – and all with passwordless authentication built-in.

Our innovative identity and access management solution, DGMV-ID, will also integrate with the Edge Box, with all users required to download the app and use the authentication system to log in seamlessly. The same goes for our DGMV-Secure Meets solution and DGMV-Smart Layer, all of which will be included in the Edge Box, acting as multipliers to the service.

Overall, we’re confident that the DGMV-Edge Box is a revolutionary product with the power to make big waves in the enterprise environment. Our deflationary DGMV token governance model also empowers both enterprises and individuals to acquire influence and actively contribute to shaping the future trajectory of our ecosystem. By participating, stakeholders play a pivotal role in steering DGMV towards its future direction.

Through it all, data ownership remains key. We’re currently in multiple discussions with partners and customers, with a lot of things happening and a lot of positive announcements in the pipeline. We’re grateful as always to our loyal community for your endless support and patience. We couldn’t do this without you – so watch this space!

Question time

Does the Edge Box have any competitors?
There are some competitor products, but they don’t have the same capabilities. Most are lacking in UPS, air conditioning or management. Amazon and Dell have similar products, but they only have around 30% of the capabilities we have.

Can you share pricing information?
The basic model costs €32,500, with the G5 coming in at €87,000. That said, our goal is to sell the Edge Box as a service, which we will create bespoke according to demand.

How many units are ready now, and what’s the plan going forward?
We have 20 units ready right now, plus more to be made on-demand. There are several options to choose from, so now we have the baseline and can make adjustments on a case by case basis.

Do you have any sales projections?
We want to have monthly 100K recurring subscriptions revenue by the end of the year – this is important for the community and use of the token. Right now, we’re focusing on recurring revenue from selling services and licenses rather than devices.

Have you pre sold any boxes, and where will the initial sales focus be?
Our focus is global, especially in the Netherlands and Germany in Europe, and in Indonesia in Asia. The Edge Box also presents some interesting opportunities for smart cities, where connected, controlled data is crucial. Our vision is a connected one, and we’re taking the time to implement it fully, so we can deploy it as a total ecosystem with the potential for true worldwide impact.

Mastering your data: The power of blockchain 

Boost your MDM with blockchain-inspired data capture

One of the core challenges in master data management (MDM), lies in creating a ‘single source of truth’ for your organization. 

When enterprises’ golden data is collected from many information systems and stored in a single database, how do you make sure that both the data and the language it’s described in becomes the only source of truth for all users? 

Blockchain offers interesting new opportunities for this, thanks to its ability to collect distributed data in a structured way, translate it into uniform, time-stamped data blocks and freeze them in a blockchain. 

Implementing blockchain as a database enables the simultaneous solving of several MDM challenges – and when everyone speaks the language of blockchain, the application-specific dialects common in enterprise applications can be eliminated.

The critical management of master data

MDM is a discipline that enables businesses to digitally ensure the uniformity, accuracy, stewardship, semantic consistency and accountability of their officially shared master data. 

This data is an organization’s golden data, and refers to core enterprise entities such as customers, suppliers, products, services and finances – without which, businesses cannot function. 

Blockchain is an excellent technique for capturing master data consistently, securely and in a distributed fashion. It shows the complete transaction history of every node in a decentralized, peer-to-peer (P2P) network, making each one a complete ledger.

In most enterprises, systems such as ERP, CRM, SCM and PDM generate master data decentrally, but the real shift lies in making the entire database for this crucial business information decentralized too.

Capturing data in a distributed blockchain automatically creates a central data system that’s perfect for MDM, because when nodes become distinct connection points for individual business functions, it accelerates the processing and storage of master.

Implementing a generic protocol in the blockchain can help ensure master data is always automatically present on every node in the network.

Blockchain as a single source of truth

The unique properties of a blockchain as a distributed source of truth automatically create one large, distributed master database that provides access to every node, with each owning a complete copy and thus able to function independently if parts of the network fail.

Using blockchain also eliminates the need to rely on a central, vulnerable hub or intermediary to build the trust of a single source of truth. When MDM functionality is built into the blockchain, each application writes transaction data relevant to other applications, and communicates through a common language and platform. The resulting benefit means that connecting new enterprise systems to the blockchain requires no migration efforts.

Blockchain doesn’t just master the data – it also controls the language used to communicate between endpoints, making it an effective master language management (MLM) system too. MLM is ideal for master data generation, thanks to its ability to immediately check whether additions to the common set of data are in the same language as they are processed and stored in the blockchain.

This system will eventually result in everyone speaking the same blockchain language, with no room for the application-specific dialects often found in enterprise applications.

Master data and blockchain belong together

Migrating your MDM to blockchain has multiple business benefits. You’ll not only be migrating your golden data to a future-proof, decentralized technology, but you’ll be immediately able to build in functionality that updates, unifies and translates existing master data. Defining your future MDM architecture and capturing it in operational, immutable blockchain-based smart contracts will unify your MDM – now and in the future.

Blockchain's unique immutability creates a direct archive and a mutable MDM database for registered version control – and its distributed ledger and consensus algorithms can also help to reconcile data. 

To make this happen, you’ll need to design your blockchain MDM solution with source systems as specific nodes of the decentralized network. This will enable consensus algorithms in the blockchain protocol to take over management, ensuring data integrity and securing the same data on all nodes of the blockchain network.

Sharing master data securely

Once your master data is securely and unambiguously stored in an open blockchain, sharing it is simple.  You can grant any person, machine or organization access to any of your master data by giving them the right key and designation. Following an identity authentication and verification process, they will be able to find encrypted data in the blockchain with the relevant key.

Data encryption, data stamps, hash functions and consensus algorithms make hacking or tampering with blockchain data impossible. No technology is completely hacker-proof, but a well-configured and distributed blockchain comes pretty close.

It’s also worth noting that blockchain stores transactions, not their end results – which many MDM applications are solely designed to record as entity data.

Instead, blockchains serve as generic application platforms, storing heterogeneous transaction information and behaving like single databases, despite their distributed foundations, which use consensus mechanisms to make sure each node contains the same unified data. 

Blockchains create immutable logs, which help build trust in the system by facilitating financial or legal transactions in large, distributed networks where not all members know each other. This functionality can even eliminate the need for audits.

Digicorp Labs' MDM Smart Layer

With these enterprise advantages in mind, DigiCorp Labs has designed an MDM-capable smart layer based on an open UTXO blockchain.

The proof-of-concept at a large, multinational company confirmed our technique’s ability to capture, modify and maintain MDM functions in the blockchain. 

This year, we will build upon this unique, patent-pending product, and make it available for modern MDM solutions.

More and more, blockchain is a logical step forward in solving distribution challenges. So consider: what could unifying, cleansing, standardizing and deduplicating your entity data with pre-built data quality algorithms, DQ product suites and audit trails, histories and hierarchies do for you?

The power of peer-to-peer 

In one of our previous blogs, we explored the ongoing internet paradigm shift driven by the advancement of Web3. As we navigate this ever-evolving landscape, the pendulum of solution preferences has been swinging between centralized and decentralized approaches for some time.

Not everything goes through the cloud anymore, no matter how convenient it is to have a central connection point. Because while centralization provides ease and efficiency, traditional, point-to-point solutions have their advantages too – especially where security and privacy are concerned. 

Now though, new Web3 technologies – such as blockchain, tokens, passwordless authentication, smart contracts, node-based grids and intelligent endpoints – make it possible to develop and apply decentralized architectures and infrastructures just as efficiently. 

That said, it’s important to remember the many drawbacks that come with centralization – from security, cyber security and unwanted reading, to viewing, monitoring and a dearth of centrally-collected, vulnerable information. 

Guaranteed privacy

A central system can never guarantee complete privacy – no matter how beautiful, smart, intelligent or strict its environment. If something can go wrong, it usually will, and the bigger the system, the bigger the disaster.

Aviation might be one of the safest ways to travel, but if something goes wrong, it does so at scale. The same can be said for the crypto space, and we see it with many mishaps on an almost daily basis. Even the most secure clouds are vulnerable to raids, hacks or hostage attempts due to a clever attacker and a stupid human or technical error.

If you’re unlucky enough to have your data stored in the location of an attack, you are the passenger on the wrong. To extend the travel metaphor one step further, public transportation lacks privacy – to maximize it, you must opt for a smaller mode. In the same way, the chance of a privacy violation in a small, point-to-point means of digital communication or data transport is much lower than that of mass transit.

Zero risk is impossible, but by balancing efficiency and privacy, it’s possible (and valuable) to minimize it. In fact, this is why Apple now stores confidential data on mobile devices rather than iCloud.

Direct communication

Ultimately, Web3 enables direct, peer-to-peer communication – think video and audio calls, screen sharing and presentations – by sharing confidential information via node-to-node connections. It also allows for private video conferencing (via a privately owned node)  to happen in the legal sovereignty of your own home, building or office. In this case, you are and remain the owner of the communication, with minimal chance of it getting into the wrong hands, since it’s not organized, distributed or delivered via a central provider. 

This model is the basis for DigiCorp Labs’ newly developed solution, Secure Meets, a peer-to-peer offering that operates in a Web3 network when initiated with a boot stick in the second laptop.

Secure Meets can run through routers such as Microsoft and OKTA, which tell your device the route to the right hub, node or local cloud to communicate with and establish a private connection from a central server.

Secure meets

DGMV-Secure Meets is developed as a fully encrypted, direct, peer-to-peer conversation technology with built-in privacy. It enables the delivery of scalable, 100% private video communication services and is completely independent of existing centralized solutions.

Hosted on a private server, DGMV-Secure Meets enables individuals and companies to retain local ownership of calls, recordings and transcriptions, meaning all data remains under their control and management. The solution works in conjunction with DGMV-ID, DigiCorp Labs' mobile, passwordless authentication solution.

Our independent Edge Box adds another layer of functionality, acting as an autonomous hardware endpoint that links with decentralized Web3 networks. The Box can be powered by grid supplies, battery or solar panels, and is able to reach any location in the world wirelessly, via Starlink. This means it can build private connections worldwide, even in areas without trustable infrastructure.

DigiCorp Labs’ blockchain-based smart layer provides a Web3 platform-as-a-service in which contracts capture communications as fixed, immutable algorithms that can’t be influenced or hacked.

Own your authentication, data and communication

Our developed enterprise solutions will also be available to the private market, where individuals can pay using the DGMV token (launched in 2022 via the crypto exchange LCX in Liechtenstein).

Users can make micropayments with this utility token in peer-to-peer chains for all decentralized Web3 services, with transactions recorded in a blockchain. Our authentication app, DGMV-ID is already available via Apple and Google store. 

By the end of 2024, Digicorp Labs will have a complete Web3-enabled ecosystem available and ready to build enterprise architectures and infrastructures – both in current networks and in modern, decentralized Web3 environments, anywhere in the world. 

We’re also involved in local-to-local initiatives, especially in parts of Asia where infrastructure is poor. We’re also exploring opportunities to connect parts of Africa by enabling enterprise operations and communications in-house and securely.

Paradigm change 

Many areas of the world do not have the edge of our current centralized cloud infrastructures, and thus opt for new secure Web3 solutions. 

Hybrid solutions are under consideration here in the West, with the cloud still able to provide efficiency, but direct peer-to-peer communication necessary to offer security and where infrastructure is non-existent or unreliable. 

In our last newsletter, we talked about the beginning of the Web3 journey, and how 2024 will see the first serious, enterprise-grade solutions enter the market. Here at DigiCorp Labs, we have already conducted pilot projects with large global companies, who are exploring how these new Web3 technologies add value for them. 

Channel partners wanted

As it stands, the year couldn’t have started better for us. December 2023 saw all our solutions – DGMV-ID, DGMV-Secure Meets, DGMV-Edge Box and the DGMV-SmartLayer proof-of-concept – become available and applicable, and we’ve got first deployments scheduled for key areas of interest in Asia and the US this quarter.

We are now delivering these solutions to market through DigiThree Labs, and are still looking for channel partners to start carrying and using our products globally. Conversations are already underway, but if you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to apply.