Resolve and resilience at DigiCorp Labs: 2023 in review

2023 has been full of challenge, change and ultimately, commitment for DigiCorp Labs. Amid a rapidly-changing digital landscape, we overcame barriers through belief and resilience, doubling down on our decentralized vision, refining our business structure and pivoting to thrive – even in the face of uncertainty.
As 2024 approaches, we're excited to seize new opportunities, grow our product offering and continue to pioneer new solutions for the evolving security market. For now though, let’s take a look at how far we’ve come.

Product innovation

We started the year by celebrating the first anniversary of our listing. February marked 365 days since the $DGMV token was listed – and we couldn’t have been prouder.

That achievement set the tone for much of the year’s efforts, which have been focused on developing and improving our revolutionary product offering. We’ve clarified what our  identity and access management suite, DGMV-ID, has to offer, sharing practical insights around using the password authenticator, password generator, 2FA features and browser extension. In addition to the commercial version designed for enterprises, we extended our outreach to the community. We invited members to participate in our DGMV-ID consumer version early adopter program. This initiative not only facilitated the first testing but also provided a live demonstration of the $DGMV utility in action.

2023 has seen us make strides with two other groundbreaking products, reinforcing our commitment to revolutionizing digital experiences. DGMV-Secure Meets promises the ultimate secure alternative for video conferencing. Complementing this, the DGMV Edge Box emerges as a decentralized, mobile data center, providing seamless connectivity globally.

Additionally, our relentless pursuit of innovation led to the inception of the DGMV-MDM SmartLayer. This revolutionary technology, supporting audit trail creation for the previously mentioned products, also serves as a standalone product for proof-of-concept development.

In tandem with our product innovation, 2023 marked significant milestones for our brand, intellectual property, and trademarks. The successful submission of a trademark application for DGMV underscores its strategic importance. Moreover, both DGMV-ID and the DGMV-MDM SmartLayer are currently patent-pending, further solidifying our commitment to pioneering solutions in the digital realm.

Events and awards

In April, we were selected to represent the Netherlands at the 2023 edition of Hannover Messe. As one of 10 young tech enterprises from our country chosen to take part, we took the opportunity to showcase our decentralized solutions and talk about our vision for the future.

Spring continued with some exciting global presence, as DigiThree took part in the Dutch trade mission to San Francisco’s RSA conference. The trip saw us explore the latest cybersecurity developments, meet the industry’s key players and share insights around this fast-moving tech area – all alongside other Dutch companies, governments and knowledge institutions at the forefront of IT security.

Additionally, we actively participated in the eighth edition of the e-Identity Congress in Amsterdam.

During the Dutch Blockchain Days in June we demonstrated how we provide decentralized technology at the enterprise level.

In September, we spoke at the City Windows Series of Smart Green ASEAN Cities in Banyumas, Indonesia. Our presentation covered how new tools can improve the capacity of cities, and how smart contract modality could enhance efficiency and reduce the risk of human error in implementation and development phases.

As the autumn progressed, we got the news that we were in the running for the Enterprise Solution category at the Dutch Blockchain Awards. It was testament to our continued product innovation to date.

Growth in the face of challenge

Despite the intensifying challenge presented by the ongoing fallout of the LCX hack, our business has grown stronger, more resilient and more independent than ever this year. Decentralization is in our DNA, and that’s called for a brave shift towards alternative products, new solutions and different partners. 

Our core team has changed and grown, with departures making room for an infusion of new blood, energy and commitment. We’re more empowered than ever to trust our instincts, and are on the hunt for new developers and pre-sales consultants.

We’re currently in the product validation and scaling phase of our growth strategy, with plans to open the market for mass Web3 adoption in the years ahead.

Finance and technology 

From our origins amid the covid-19 pandemic, we’ve successfully navigated a bear market, global conflicts, supply chain challenges, and rampant inflation. This prudent fiscal approach has not only allowed us to weather the economic turbulence, but leaves us in a strong position as the crypto market shows signs of a positive shift.

Beyond our core focus on development, we are actively addressing market inquiries on the practical implementation of Web3 technology and security. This includes navigating the evolving landscape of compliance and adapting to emerging cybersecurity threats.

Enter the dragon

As we face into 2024, our core focus remains on product development. DigiThree, our enterprise arm, is ready to go to market with our impressive products – DGMV-ID, DGMV-Secure Meets, DGMV-Edge Box, and DGMV-SmartLayer POC. This launch marks just the beginning, with Q1 deployments slated for key interest areas in the US and Asia.

The journey with the SmartLayer doesn't end here; in the new year, we take a forward-looking approach to constructing a new Layer 1. At the same time, our commitment and dedication to building a strong, growing community and enhancing the $DGMV token ecosystem will stand stronger than ever. 

Our steadfast connection to DGB blockchain technology and $DGB coin endures. In the upcoming year, we eagerly look forward to meaningful collaborations with DGB stakeholders, the broader ecosystem, and welcoming those eager to contribute positively. Additionally, we are open to partnering with other UTXOs, fostering a network that contributes to the continued success of decentralized technologies. 

2024 will see us deliver tooling for the decentralized Web3 revolution – a paradigm shift that’s set to represent independence, self-reliance, and self-responsibility in the face of the global transition from stability to unpredictability.

Looking forward, we expect a year of change and challenge but also strength, courage and good fortune. We’ve shown our ability to thrive through uncertainty, overcome obstacles and succeed against the odds – and we can’t wait to see where the year ahead takes us.

DigiCorp Labs Nominated for the Enterprise Solution Category at Dutch Blockchain Awards!

Exciting news! We’re thrilled to announce that DigiCorp Labs is running for the Enterprise Solution category at the Dutch Blockchain Awards. The event is a collaborative initiative from the BCNL Foundation and Computable, happening between November 13 and 17 this year.

Right now, we’re making incredible progress with two of our flagship products, DGMD-IV and DGMV-Secure Meets.

Since its release in August, our identity and access management suite, DGMV-ID, has been revolutionizing decentralized authentication. Get your license from the Apple App or Google Play Store now, or head to to find out more.

Our brand new product, DGMV-Secure Meets, promises the ultimate secure alternative for video conferencing. It’s set to be launched very soon, so watch this space.

If that wasn’t enough, we’ve also developed a prototype for the DGMV-MDM SmartLayer, which not only supports audit trail creation for both DGMV-ID and DGMV-Secure Meets, but is also available as a standalone product for proof-of-concept development.

All of these solutions are either secured or have included the open-source DigiByte Blockchain technology – proving our commitment to bringing the power of decentralized technology to real-world applications.

But back to the all-important nomination! As a potential voter, it’s up to you to help us win this prestigious award. Voting is open now, and you have until October 30 to cast yours – so make it count!

To vote for us, go to and translate the page to English. Register your email to receive a unique link to vote. Click the link in your email, vote for DigiCorp Labs and submit your vote. It’s that simple

This is a unique opportunity to show your support for DigiCorp Labs and help us keep making waves in the world of decentralized solutions. So don’t miss out!

DigiCorp Labs Takes the Stage at Smart Green ASEAN Cities Series in Banyumas, Indonesia!

DigiCorp Labs is super excited to be speaking at the City Windows Series of Smart Green ASEAN Cities #SGAC in Banyumas, Indonesia!

The SGAC program is all about supporting ASEAN states to meet the challenges of high urbanization rates by focusing on smart, green solutions enabled by digitization and technology.

The City Windows Series is just one part of the program’s activities, and it brings together experts and leaders from the EU and ASEAN to create a powerful space for knowledge exchange and example setting.

DigiCorp Labs is speaking on Thursday 14th September, the final day of the event. We’ll be discussing how Web3 and blockchain can be a catalyst for smarter, greener cities, and how new technologies can empower businesses, governments and individuals.

We’ll cover how this tech could present new tools to improve the capacity of cities, and how smart contract modality could enhance efficiency and reduce the risk of human error in implementation and development phases.

We believe the freedom and transparency of today’s Web3 environment is pivotal for citizens today, so we’ll be sharing mechanisms, success factors and our vision for a more sustainable future.

We’ve always known the future is a decentralized one – now, we have the perfect opportunity to show that in practice.

Download our revolutionary DGMV-ID authenticator from the Apple and Google Play stores today.

Questions, feedback or sales enquiries? Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you.

DigiCorp Labs and Bananaland NFT Collaborate in a New Partnership

DigiCorp Labs is thrilled to announce a brand-new partnership with Banaland NFT, an innovative Web3 project where the digital and the physical worlds collide. Combining art, music, and events, Bananaland creates extraordinary once-in-a-lifetime experiences for its NFT holders.

DigiCorp is a decentralized, Metaverse and Web3-optimized ecosystem providing secure, transparent, accessible solutions for identity and access management,
data management, decentralized storage, and secure communication.

Through this partnership, DigiCorp's advanced technology will empower Bananaland to provide safe and secure digital identities for NFT holders in the Metaverse. In turn, Bananaland will serve as a real-world onboarding platform, allowing new and existing community members to benefit from Digicorp’s technology and tools.

The start of this partnership is an exciting moment for Bananaland and DigiCorp, both of whom are striving to generate worldwide impact with revolutionary Web3 tools. As mass adoption of Web3 draws closer, providing users with secure solutions becomes ever more critical. Combining two aligned business models and marketing strategies in this way creates big opportunities for the future.

About Bananaland
Bananaland is a Web3 project that brings real life utility to NFTs through art, music, parties, events and one of a kind experiences. Its mission is to bridge the gap between the digital and real worlds by allowing community members to connect in completely new ways – through art, storytelling and events both real-life and virtual.

Bananaland offers two types of NFTS: Collection Access. Holders of Collection NFTs receive regular airdrops and mint passes for Access NFTs, while owners of Access NFTs can use their digital assets to get to some of the best parties and experiences – or sell them to others for a profit.

About Digicorp
DigiCorp Labs is a Metaverse and Web3-optimized ecosystem offering real-world, decentralized technology and applications that deliver real value, security and sharing opportunities for businesses and consumers.

DigiCorp demystifies blockchain and decentralized tech by unlocking its real-world application and allowing businesses, brands and consumers to take control of their data, minimize third-party intervention and eliminate the risks of single point of failure systems.

Farewell 2022: The year in review from DigiCorp Labs

2022 has been a year of continuous achievement for DigiCorp Labs. It’s been a year of building new technology, of strengthening our organization and enterprise, and of focusing on the future of delivery for our business and potential customers. As the web evolves around us, the need for privacy, security and decentralization is becoming ever greater – and despite the global uncertainty and downturn of most of the markets, our resolve to be a pioneer in this space never falters.

Innovation and improvement

Our primary focus in 2022 was the development of DGMV-ID, our Web3-based, passwordless solution designed to provide next-level security and authentication for user validation and access. This year saw us complete the DGMV-ID product build – which includes an enterprise dashboard, an MDM smart layer – as well as forge multiple partnerships and complete a proof of concept (POC).

During a tumultuous year, our business has thrived thanks to our concentration on progress. Our core developer has improved the DigiByte blockchain – a milestone that gave DigiCorp the reliability needed to use its technology in applications and solutions. The DGMV token was listed in February on LCX, Uniswap and Pancake Swap, following a successful ICO. DGMV is a utility token that unlocks access to a full suite of enterprise and consumer services and intellectual property.

Further product innovation has begun, with a tool that empowers enterprises with P2P video chat. We’ve also started testing our quantum-safe decentralized storage solution for the back-end. Ultimately, the full portfolio will solve security issues by allowing direct, secure communication – a key part of empowering businesses to thrive in the web of the future.

Presence and partnership

Our overall brand presence increased exponentially in 2022. We were proud to be nominated and shortlisted for ‘Most-Exciting Startup’ in the European Metaverse Awards, as well as to receive recognition in the IT and professional press. The year also saw us grow our LinkedIn following, gain notoriety through our Berlin video street campaign, and exhibit at TechEx alongside other industry leaders.

Another exciting step forward came in the form of our partnership with a team within Shell, through which we developed a brand new master data management (MDM) smart layer POC. This innovation is set to provide next-level security for enterprises, helping future-proof the world of MDM with cutting-edge authentication and NFT technologies.

DigiThree developments

This year also saw some unprecedented achievements for DigiThree, the enterprise-focused arm of DigiCorp Labs, which joined us at the European Metaverse Awards in October on the shortlist for ‘Top B2B or Industrial Initiative’. This nomination was a significant milestone for DigiThree, whose core differentiator is its ability to offer real world enterprise use cases and meet the demand for trustless and decentralized technology.

The company also partnered with LCX Exchange to provide another formal POC agreement, with LCX piloting the DGMV Authenticator to secure login procedures and safeguard passwords prior to the product launch.

We also took the first steps for our DigiThree Partner Portal – a key tool in helping our partners and resellers support their end-customers in transition to a web3 environment. This Partner Portal will allow our partners to boost their conversion rates from leads to actual sales of our solutions to the end customer.

Against the backdrop of constant progress and innovation, we brought on board a raft of new talent, expanding the team and acquiring new expertise to extend our capabilities in all areas.

Challenge and change

Although it’s been a year of success and progress, 2022 hasn’t been without its challenges. Unfortunately, we got off to a rocky start, especially due to LCX being struck by a hack in January – right in the middle of our fund raise.

The search for talent has also proven time consuming, especially during a period in which people with the right attitudes and mentalities are few and far between.

When we test decentralized technologies with real use cases – for example, on the Threefold Grid – there are lots of things to consider to make them commercially viable for production in enterprise and other business environments.

On top of that, changing market sentiment and the ongoing FTX situation make the crypto industry a challenging place at times.

Through it all, we doubled down on scalability and support for our operations and innovations, testing off the grid for deployment, partnering with organizations able to provide effective SLAs, and maintaining our enduring focus on building the future through the power of technology.

Future frontiers

The year ahead is set to bring huge potential for growth – as long as we’re smart with our strategies and remain cognizant of the risks and opportunities at play. We anticipate a year of going out to market more than ever – a year of building our pipeline, onboarding new partners and building new alliances to lay the foundations for success.

2023 will also see us execute further POCs, implement token utilities and focus on overall development to strengthen our solutions. Threats to cybersecurity are some of the biggest risks facing businesses and individuals today, and with that in mind, we will continue to refine and progress our products to make them more fit for purpose than ever.

Our corporate enterprise approach for decentralized solutions sets us apart, and will continue to power us towards new frontiers – we will continue to develop our solutions alongside our unique offer of professional advice, consultancy, and support. And as change becomes the one true constant, we will lead the paradigm shift to a truly secure, decentralized future.

DigiCorp completed a Proof of Concept of a Novel Web3 and Blockchain Based Master Data Management together with Shell

DigiCorp developed with Shell a Proof of Concept of a Novel Web3 and Blockchain Based Master Data Management. The collaboration ran in Q3-Q4 2022 using fictive data. The solution makes use of DigiCorp’s DGMV Smart Layer, harnessing the power of the DigiByte blockchain.
This MDM smart layer Proof of Concept (POC) proved that it is technical possibility to:

  1. manage and control master data in the form of NFTs created as Golden Records;
  2. create, change and validate MDM Golden Records on a Smart Layer on top of the DigiByte UTXO Blockchain;
  3. easily manage assets as a data owner in a user-friendly application and
  4. guarantee user authenticity, by implementing DigiCorp’s Web3-based, passwordless solution, DGMV-ID, to authenticate users and validate transactions.

About DigiCorp Labs

DigiCorp is here to deliver the DigiMetaverse: a blueprint for the inherently secure, people-centric, value creation-focused web of tomorrow. Our mission is to build a collaborative, transparent future full of decentralized solutions from which communities, businesses and institutions across the world can benefit.
Our three elements – DigiThree, DigiLife and DigiWare & DigiAcademy – allow us to focus on the diverse needs of enterprises, consumers and developers, bringing bespoke solutions designed to protect and elevate each audience into the digital future.
DigiCorp is building an interoperable foundational layer for the metaverse, with quantum secure, decentralized and blockchain secured solutions, together with our Layer-2 protocol – 'The DigiMetaverse Smart Layer’. Our platform is powered by the $DMGV utility token and, in conjunction with the user SID, this gives you access to consumer and enterprise services.
For the latest news and updates, visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn:

Introducing Blockchain Secured Web3 Solutions

DigiThree is the enterprise branch of DigiCorp, and our sole purpose is to develop and market enterprise-ready solutions that champion Web3.0 standards.
Standards like true functionality, impenetrable safety, and real user-friendly experiences.
To that end, we're proud to announce the alpha introduction of our DGMV-ID passwordless login platform.

In the upcoming Beta release, DGMV-ID will be business-ready to deploy in real-life use cases for safe and remote working environments. DGMV-ID can plug into almost any platform, and all you'll need to connect is an updated smartphone.

That's big. But what's even bigger is that we've combined our blockchain-based platform with a quantum-safe grid. Which means our solutions are not just user-friendly: They're data privacy-friendly. It's an uncrackable digital safe that's instantly accessible using our cloud-based DGMV-ID login technology.

We believe in real functionality. Auditable, proven, and 100% privacy- proof.
This is the future, and we'll be showcasing our work at TechEx Europe in Amsterdam this week, and next month we'll attend the European Metaverse Summit in Berlin, where together with DigiCorp Labs, we've been shortlisted for the 'Top B2B or Industrial Initiative' & ‘Most-Exciting StartUp Company’ award!

As the first metaverse focussed partner-led organization, we're making it easy to introduce DigiThree and our solutions to new partners and customers. That's why we're also announcing the rollout of our partner program and partner portal in the upcoming period. With the goal to help partners and resellers support their end-customers in their transition to a Web3.0 environment.

Whether you're a C-level executive or a systems integrator, Web3.0 is starting with DigiThree: Join us!

Want to know more? Contact your Digithree Representative Today.
[email protected]

DigiThree combines two long-standing and ground-breaking technologies into a solid foundation to build enterprise services on. The DigiByte blockchain has weathered the storm of digital disruption for the last decade and has become a very secure, strong and versatile blockchain. Combined with ThreeFold’s decentralized grid of compute, storage and network capacity generators, these synergistic technologies form a fundamental foundation for blockchain secured authentication, secure P2P communications, quantum safe storage and ultra secure web browsing.

DigiCorp Labs en DigiThree maken kans op European Metaverse Awards

DigiCorp Labs en DigiThree, een onderdeel van DigiCorp dat zich richt op enterprise-oplossingen, is officieel genomineerd voor de European Metaverse Awards. Beide partijen zijn genomineerd in de categorieën 'Most-Exciting StartUp Company' en 'Top B2B or Industrial Initiative'. Deze awards worden uitgereikt op de European Metaverse Summit, die op 27 oktober in het Duitse Berlijn plaatsvindt.

DigiCorp Labs is opgericht vanuit de overtuiging dat een veilige, beveiligde, gedecentraliseerde wereld voor iedereen haalbaar en toegankelijk moet zijn. Het bedrijf beschikt over een team van blockchain-experts, tech-leiders en marktspecialisten. Zij geven burgers en bedrijven de controle terug over hun identiteit, gegevens en digitale leven. De missie van het bedrijf is het opbouwen van een gezamenlijke, transparante toekomst van gedecentraliseerde oplossingen waarvan gemeenschappen, bedrijven en instellingen over de hele wereld kunnen profiteren.

De European Metaverse Summit vindt op 27 oktober in het Duitse Berlijn plaats. Het event is gericht op de zakelijke kansen die de metaverse biedt, met een focus op het Europese ecosysteem. In het historische BOLLE Festsäle eert de organisatie met de European Metaverse Awards ontwikkelingen van innovatieve bedrijven en individuen wereldwijd op het gebied van web 3.0 en de metaverse. In totaal zijn twintig awardcategorieën beschikbaar. Meer informatie is hier te vinden.

European Metaverse Summit & Awards nomination DigiCorp Labs featured by

DigiCorpLabs has been officially nominated for the ‘European Metaverse Summit & Awards’ set for 27 October in Berlin. The DigiByte blockchain secured enterprise solutions, marketed by DigiThree, are receiving growing recognition, according to their Twitter post. Notably, the awards will distinguish disruptors, innovators, and nimble giants in the Metaverse/Web 3.0, with a unique focus on the European ecosystem.

The European Metaverse Summit & Awards

The Awards program features 21 categories and aims to recognize and honor the achievements of the most innovative companies and individuals in the web3.0 and metaverse space. The organizers additionally expect that over a hundred companies will be short-listed.

Over 15 years, CEE Business Media Europe, the event organizer, has hosted over 30 Awards ceremonies in various countries, including Europe, the US, and Asia. The Metaverse Awards are the first of their kind to be held in Europe. A team supports them spread across multiple continents and is led by Thom Barnhardt.

The Summit will be opened by Sebastien Borget, the founder of The Sandbox, who will discuss the various opportunities available in the metaverse for new and established brands. He will also talk about the latest business models and revenue growth strategies.

The Awards program is held at Berlin’s historic Bole Festsale. It connects and builds connections among the various companies and individuals in the metaverse and web3.0 space. Approximately 250 companies are expected to attend the Summit and Awards Gala. These include executives from large corporations and start-up companies eager to partner with the metaverse and web 3.0 ecosystem. Also, over 50 CVC and VC executives are expected to attend.

Creating a Mixed-Reality Experiences Related to the Metaverse

The Metaverse Summit 2022 will bring together senior leaders from various backgrounds to create mixed-reality experiences that can add social and economic value. Notable speakers will include Robert Guenther who is the Head of Reality Labs Developer Partnerships, Meta, Inc while the VIP Jury members will include Steve Suarez, the Global Head of Innovation at HSBC, London, Michelle Taycher Nishry of Qualcomm Ventures, Israel, and Jan-Oliver Sell, the Head of Operations for Coinbase, Germany. Attendees will get a chance to network, interact, and even learn how to create mixed-reality experiences that will add social and economic value.

Science fiction writers inspired the concept of the metaverse. It is now being used by some of the world’s leading brands to develop their real-world ambitions. One of the most significant developments in this space is the emergence of Web3, a decentralized internet that uses blockchain technology. Hence, the Metaverse Summit is looking to provide the necessary tools and knowledge to capitalize on this emerging trend.

With the emergence of the metaverse, retailers and brands are working on new ways to engage with their customers. Fintechs are also capitalizing on the opportunities presented by this new financial technology.

One of the most important factors that will play a significant role in developing this economy is the emergence of non-fungible tokens(NFTs). Despite the promising potential of this technology, the recent crypto collapse has highlighted the risks associated with this market.

The goal of the Metaverse Summit is to provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to capitalize on the opportunities available in this space. The Summit will also explore the various factors that will affect the development of this economy.

Notably, the Metaverse Summit will feature prominent speakers such as Tony Parisi and Sir Martin Sorrell. During the event, you will be able to network with these individuals and learn how to create mixed-reality experiences that will add social and economic value.

DigiCorp Labs and enterprise outlet DigiThree Labs are nominated for the ‘European Metaverse Summit and Awards’

DigiCorp Labs, together with enterprise focused DigiThree, are shortlisted as 'Top B2B or Industrial Initiative’ & ‘Most-Exciting StartUp Company’ for the ‘European Metaverse Summit & Awards’ set for 27 October 2022!

About the Summit:

The European Metaverse Summit, set for 27 October 2022, distinguishes disruptors, innovators, and nimble giants in this exciting space. The Summit focuses on Business Opportunities in the Metaverse, with a unique focus on the European ecosystem.

About the Awards:

The 1st annual European Metaverse Awards distinguish pioneers, innovators and nimble giants in the European metaverse eco-system. The Summit & Awards is focused on actionable business opportunities in the Metaverse/Web 3.0, with a unique focus on the European ecosystem.

Our aim is to connect and build relationships among up-and-coming new companies and brands, and large corporates and early-adopters embracing Web 3.0 and the Metaverse.

There are 20 Awards categories and we expect about 100 companies to be "Short-Listed" as finalists.

103 Companies Short-Listed in 20 Categories:

Top Debut in Metaverse

adsMaker GmbH
Lovehoney Group
Metaverse Academy

Top European Metaverse Platform

Azerion / Sulake
Proof of Taste GmbH
Verse Estate

Top Blockchain Developer Services Provider
Crucible Networks Limited
Open Meta Association

Top Blockchain Game of the Year

Sky Mavis

Top Corporate Partnership Project

Webhelp and The Sandbox

Top Cloud, Enterprise, or Technology Partner

PureWeb - Enterprise Metaverse Solutions

Top Partner for establishing early-stage presence in Metaverse

Metagellan by CollecOnline
ParallelOffice - Enterprise Metaverse Solutions

Most Innovative NFT project

361 DRX GmbH
Azerion / Sulake
Goldlbull Ventures

Top 3D Design Firm

Voxel Architects
W3b Lab

Top Fashion, or Consumer, Brand Initiative

DeepGears Ltd
Metajuice (IMVU, SHOES 50345, THE DEMATERIALISED, Cyb’Air)

Top Sports, or Events, Brand Initiative

Metasport Arena
Metaverse Combat LTD

Top CVC Partner for Web 3.0/Metaverse Development

Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners
Samsung Next TLV
Siemens and NVIDIA Partner to Enable Live Digital Twins
Unilever Ventures

Top VC/Accelerator/Incubator for Metaverse/Web 3.0

Blueverse Ventures
Founders Factory
FOV Ventures
W3 fund

Top Avatar Design, Digital-Twin or Identity Company

Open Meta Association
Ready Player Me

Top B2B or Industrial Initiative

Augment IT by Netcetera
DigiThree Labs
Smart Global Governance
Warpin Media Ab

Most-Exciting StartUp Company

AEY Metaverse OÜ
Anymate Me
BC Labs
DigiCorp Labs

Most-Exciting Early-Stage Company

Alpha AR
Cosmic Factions
Crucible Networks Limited

Top XR/AR/VR firm

Augment IT by Netcetera
Breakpoint One
Kyotu Technology
NeXR Technologies SE
Superba AR

Top Legal Firm or Legal Services for Metaverse/Web 3.0 businesses
Gleiss Lutz Hootz Hirsch PartmbB Rechtsanwälte

Top Consumer Hardware or Interface for Metaverse/Web 3.0

LG plans TV for NFTs
TCL launches Leiniao Air Smart Glasses.