November 11, 2021

DGB & DGMV: A Match Made in Metaverse

With our focus on decentralization it’s impossible to ignore not only ThreeFold technology, but also DigiByte blockchain technology: one of the oldest, longest, fastest and most secure POW UTXO blockchains...

With our focus on decentralization it’s impossible to ignore not only ThreeFold technology, but also DigiByte blockchain technology: one of the oldest, longest, fastest and most secure POW UTXO blockchains in existence. DigiByte is a grassroots movement of volunteers with a passion and vision for freedom, sovereignty and true decentralization, and a sincere belief to be able to make a change. A change in the way we live, work, play… but also pay.

The metaverse is happening. DigiCorp Labs is at the forefront of initiatives and actions to make sure our entrance and presence in this new online experience is safe and secure.

We recognize the need for DGMV to unlock and enable opportunities, possibilities and features in a new ecosystem where not only DigiByte blockchain technology, but also DGB as a currency plays an important role.

Our decentralized technology will be the playing field for developers to build applications and solutions, for consumers and enterprises, designed for the metaverse. The DigiCorp team, consisting of blockchain developers, crypto experts, high level technical people, and seasoned corporate C-level professionals, will be able to facilitate the development of the metaverse fundamental layer, smart contract layer, building blocks, applications and solutions, and get this to the market.

“The development of the DigiMetaverse Smart Layer, built on top of the DigiByte blockchain, will benefit from DigiByte's incredible decentralized features. The solidity based language allows the creation of complex smart contracts for the metaverse: decentralized, scalable, fast and with lower fees.”
Yoshi Jäger – Lead Blockchain and Metaverse Wallet & Smart Layer Developer, DigiCorp Labs

“I am very much looking forward to the launch of DigiCorp & DGMV. I have long encouraged people to build commercial platforms to further develop & grow the DGB global ecosystem which inevitably will bring great benefits to all of humanity. The speed, security & true decentralization of the DigiByte global blockchain provides the perfect battle-hardened foundation for new technology to be built with DigiByte that will provide a very secure, convenient, and smooth payments & digital asset experience in the coming metaverse for all end users. By utilizing the untapped potential of DGB DigiCorp through DGMV will help build & ensure individual privacy, security, and financial freedom are primary features of the metaverse that cannot be destroyed by malevolent interests.”

Jared Tate – Advisor DigiCorp Labs, Founder DigiByte Blockchain

Article written by Rudy Bouwman