January 18, 2024

Embarking on the 2024 Journey

As we venture into the future at Digicorp Labs, our commitment to the Metaverse and Web3-optimized ecosystem remains steadfast. Our dedication to decentralized and trustless solutions serves as our cornerstone,...

As we venture into the future at Digicorp Labs, our commitment to the Metaverse and Web3-optimized ecosystem remains steadfast. Our dedication to decentralized and trustless solutions serves as our cornerstone, empowering businesses and consumers with real-world value and security. We prioritize simplifying decentralized technology, granting users control, and minimizing external influence.

The DGMV token, solutions, and brand are central to our mission – pivotal elements in our evolving ecosystem.

While encountering challenges and technical intricacies on this journey, our dedication persists. The past has taught us to embrace flexibility and resilience in the face of Web3 innovation, often pushing us to the bleeding edge of available technologies. 

In our recent webinar, following a prolonged period of stealth development, we intentionally opened up the dialogue, fostering more interaction and elaboration with our valued attendees. We trust that future events will feature increased participation, nurturing a stronger sense of community on our platform.

Recognizing the less structured nature of our recent session, we aim to ensure your convenience by providing a recap. This summary is designed to encapsulate the crucial highlights and expressions communicated during the event.

Focus areas 2024

1. DigiThree: Delivering solutions and building relationships

The main mission of DigiThree is to roll out our core solutions to our partners and prospects – starting this month. With half a year’s worth of build up and a fully operational sales funnel, we're actively engaging potential deals and anticipate reaching a monthly subscription revenue of 100k by the end of the year. The rollout of three sales hubs in Europe, America, and Asia over the next few months is set to amplify our market presence.

We go to market with all four of our products: 

  • The DGMV-ID authenticator 
  • The DGMV Edge-Box, which enables independent Web3 endpoints
  • Our guaranteed privacy video conferencing tool, DGMV-Secure Meets 
  • Our blockchain based Smart Layer solution

2. DigiCorp's product suite: Nurturing excellence

In tandem, we're channeling strategic energy into refining and enhancing the current DGMV suite of products. From DGMV-ID to the DGMV-MDM (master data management) Smart Layer, each component plays a pivotal role in our ecosystem. Whether in public roadmaps or internal discussions, our aim is to continuously optimize and improve these solutions. We're on a mission to provide our users with seamless and secure solutions that evolve with their needs. 

Beyond the current solutions, we are set to develop our own DGMV-ID linked wallet.

3. Shifting towards utility and governance: Community-driven evolution

Simultaneously, DigiCorp Labs is undergoing a transformative shift from a traditional company structure to a token utility and governance model. This journey will empower our community and redefine how certain decisions are made.

Community empowerment and decision-making: Our new model actively involves the community in shaping the ecosystem and development trajectory.

Transparency and trust: In the spirit of decentralization, all governance decisions are openly recorded on the blockchain, fostering transparency and trust aligned with our values.

Resilience and innovation: This shift not only decentralizes decision-making but also enhances our resilience and fosters a culture of innovation.

We will share comprehensive details in the coming months, starting with a booster for initial investors from public and private sales. Transitioning in this way will make sure DigiCorp’s journey into the era of decentralized governance is smooth.

How we’re moving forward

Choosing prudence over detailed timelines

Web3 development can be unpredictable, which makes some delays inevitable. That’s why we’re not releasing detailed timelines – we want to manage expectations and avoid the potential disappointment of unforeseen setbacks.


Prioritizing quality over speed: We are primarily focused on delivering not just functional but exemplary products. This commitment often requires rigorous testing, refinement, and perfection. Opting not to disclose detailed timelines and (potential) customers means we can prioritize quality over speed, ensuring that updates and features meet the high standards expected by both us and our community

Flexibility to adapt: In the ever-changing Web3 landscape, new technologies, regulations, and opportunities continually emerge. By avoiding rigid timelines, we maintain as a small team and company the flexibility to adapt our roadmap and priorities to align with the most current and beneficial developments in space.

Mitigating unintended fallout: In the swiftly evolving world of Web3, perceptions carry significant weight. A missed deadline, even when justified, can result in unwarranted backlash and negative perceptions. By refraining from disclosing detailed timelines, we’ll shield the project and the community from these potential adverse effects.

Building trust through delivery

We believe trust is earned through delivery and excellence. Instead of making promises based on timelines, we let our work speak for itself. Each update, feature, and improvement is testament to our commitment to the community and the Web3 space.

Key to our strategy this year is the enhancement of our current offerings. Moreover, we have the following initiatives on our radar, and we will keep you informed of their developments:  


  • DigiThree website revamp + Gitbook integration
  • Establish 1st sales outlet in North America 
  • Secure partnerships for government delivery 
  • Sealing a global partnership to establish a dedicated private cloud environment for the delivery of our solutions
  • Target high-security organizations, giving paramount importance to ensuring robust data and communications security. Examples include advocates, notaries, and industries dealing with substantial intellectual property and sensitive information
  • Focus on Web3 with newly 5th product, emphasizing blockchain and gaming industries, offering a more secure and cost-efficient alternative to services like major hyperscalers AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud
  • Strategic Product and Network Marketing Initiatives to Amplify Reach and Impact


  • DigiCorp website revamp + Gitbook integration
  • Strategic Review of Social Media Platforms with a Special Emphasis on Discord Enhancement
  • Tokenomics, Token Utility, and Governance Focus
  • Community Revitalization through Authentic and Informal Webinars for Genuine Interactions
  • Inclusive Development Initiatives, Updates, Testing, Exclusive Group/Program, and User Interviews Specifically for DGMV-ID


  • Expansion of team, starting with hiring a Software Mobile Engineer
  • DGMV-Secure Meets improvements/functionalities
  • DGMV-ID Wallet implementation (Integrated wallet with the possibility of 3rd-party wallet integration)
  • DGMV-ID improvements & scaling for the consumer version
    • Start Development for License Reinstall Feature after Wallet Recovery
    • In-App License Renewal Notification for Subscribers
    • Language expansion - Adding more languages 
    • WordPress Integration

Why be part of the DGMV Community?

Building the future together: Joining our community means embracing our shared vision for a decentralized, trustless future in the Metaverse and Web3-optimized ecosystem. Together, we're on a mission to empower businesses and consumers, simplify decentralized technology, minimize external influence, and champion everyone's control over their own data. Your commitment plays a crucial role in crafting the paradigm change towards a new digital landscape that values security, transparency, and individual autonomy. Join us and become a part of this transformative journey!

Voice and influence: As we transition to a more decentralized structure, every community member has the power to shape DigiCorp's future. Your voice matters, and together, we can redefine the decentralized Web3 landscape. 

Knowledge and support: Whether you're new and seeking guidance or an expert eager to share insights, our community aims to be a hub of knowledge – the perfect place to engage in meaningful discussions, find answers and stay updated with the latest developments.

Promote and grow: Passionate about DGMV? Spread the word! Our Ambassador Program and upcoming referral initiatives allow community members to actively promote DGMV and earn rewards for their contributions. It's a win-win: help grow the DGMV ecosystem while benefiting from its expansion. Join us in making waves in the world of decentralized possibilities.

We hope to see you at our next gathering!

Article written by DigiCorp Labs